Thursday, June 24, 2010

Everything fine in Canada if you are worrying back home.
An uneventfull journey to London, a quick pick up of Alex P's jacket and John D's laptop,(thanks Jackie) It is Debbie holding John's laptop at the airport, ( i think he had misplaced it again)
The flight was really good, all the first time fliers were very composed and calm.
An amazing Hotel with very luxurious rooms and pool.
The morning was for people to do as they pleased and several boys went over the border to USA and checked out New York State.
This afternoon was excellent with a trip on the 'Maid of the Mist'right under the falls, followed by a very good meal at the Skylon Tower celebrating Gus T's birthday.
Most of the boys are in the pool this evening and they have been having a great time.
Oh, i nearly forgot there was a game of mini golf on the way back from the Skylon. It is not clear yet who the winner is but i feel confident it was not Andrew Collinson who was 51 over Par, possibly a record.

over and out

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